Friday, March 22, 2024

Photo: Spring Flowers in Atlanta 2024

Spring has been sprung for a few weeks now here in Georgia.  But, there have been plenty of spring showers to go with them.  Fearing that thunderstorms would wipe them out, I took these quick photos of some local spring flowers on a damp and rainy day.

Looking Down into a Red Tulip

All of these photos were taken with a Samsung S21FE mobile phone and I think they turned out brilliantly.  The main photography technique I used here was stopping the car, getting out, and taking photos when I had the opportunity.  I think the rains have beaten down many of these flowers in the past couple of weeks so I'm really glad that I did.

Pink and yellow flowers that provide a brilliant backdrop for tulips

Overall, when you look at the entire flowerbed, the effect at this condo building is quite dazzling.  As I look at this photo now, I wish I could have maneuvers to hide fire hydrant.  A different perspective would have put it behind the tree in the background.

A flower bed arrangement popping with red tulips and color

The angle below provides a more interesting perspective with fewer distractions. In this shot, I tried to focus on the second tulip in the flowerbed instead of the tulip in the foreground.  I'm not totally sure it worked since the foreground is really dominated by the first tulip.

Focusing at the tulips beyond the foreground

We'll close this one out with another down the snout view of a tulip.  This cell phone camera is truly amazing.  Sometimes, it is difficult to justify excursions with a more proper camera.

Another shot down into a tulip

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